Intuitive Bodywork

You are not just a body. You are a 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋 eloquently dressed in your thoughts, emotions, habits and patterns.
Intuitive bodywork will address all of these complexities.

✨The subtle holding in your shoulders that leads to chronic tension.

✨The emotion in your neck from years of repressing your truth.

✨The protection in your hips from the trauma that still resides there.

✨The repetitive stress from the job that has ingrained patterns into your body.

✨The grief that resides in your lungs and expresses as constant thoracic pain.

✨The low back pain from constant fear of financial burden and survival energy.

The body holds our life. It’s not just skin and bone. It is the miraculous vehicle that allows our soul to incarnate and create our human experience.

When you seek a body worker, don’t you desire someone who honors you as a sacred being?
Sacred Ally thrives in this type of client practitioner relationship. We honor you. We see you. And we are here to help you feel more at home in your body.




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