It Takes A Village!
At Sacred Ally, our mission is to create a united front with other health and wellness practitioners and businesses in Missoula. While we offer a vast array of healing and empowerment offerings, there are many valuable services that we recommend in our extended community.
These are the trusted practitioners and businesses that we support and recommend for your health and wellness journey.
Dr Austin at Life Chiropractic is passionate about helping his community live a calm, clear and connected life.
His approach is that of the whole being, body, mind and spirit. In addition to his stelar personality, Dr. Austin is a genius in his field.
He is our number one for chiropractic care.
Aralia Health helps patients overcome health challenges naturally. We focus on finding the root cause of an issue and understand that physical symptoms are often the result of underlying issues such as anxiety, depression, stress, burnout and other ailments which show up as chronic pain, digestive issues, and hormonal imbalances.
Wildlight is a community healing arts center in Alberton MT. This is a beautiful space to attend sacred ceremonies, yoga and other heart centered offerings.
Our dear friends Jessica and Charlie caretake this beautiful land with the intention for community gatherings and healing.
Are you ready? Ready to uncover and claim your inherent joy and pleasure, to feel secure and grounded in your root, and to walk easefully in your own skin? Prairie Wolf of Somatic Connections is a gem in the Missoula Community.
She works with people help with birth trauma resolution, pelvic floor dysfunction, integrating sexual expression, developing healthy intimacy, menstrual cycle balancing, and postpartum care and education.
This invaluable non profit envisions all young girls finding their place in the collective feminine movement; continually inspired and empowered to restore their relationship to their bodies, spirits, environment and one another.
Their curriculum is designed to reflect their commitment to inclusivity, specifically socioeconomic, racial, cultural, gender and diversity.
Clyde is not only our one stop tea, coffe, eats and good vibes shop, it where we have our weekly meetings in a fun, upbeat and yummy atmosphere.
Everyone needs their fuel. Clyde has got your covered. Their manchego toast is to die for. They make inhouse homemade biscuits. Need I say more?
Origins is embarking on a new paradigm of early childhood education. Their goal is to support families in fostering a solid intellectual, emotional, social and physical foundation for developing life-long learning. Origins’ ground-breaking program not only gives children a strong academic foundation, but creates an understanding about the natural cycles of the world and how interconnected we all are, as we model and teach emotional well-being with a strong mindfulness focus.
We are a vibrant community of herbalists, educators and healers, gathered around our endless love of people and plants. Meadowsweet has the friendliest crew of wise women to help you find what you need. they make and cary a beautiful array of luxury, organic body care products and offer a wide range of herbal medicine.
This our go to shop for all things herbal.