You Are Your Thoughts

In every moment, your life is experienced through the filter of your dominant thoughts. While you are constantly ebbing and flowing through various states of being, there is always an overarching story. This over arching story drives the way you experience your world.

Have you noticed what your overarching story is?

The world is good.
The world is bad.
I can’t trust the world.
I can do anything I set my mind to.
I am a victim of assault.
I am a victim of injustice.
I am a Strong ass human!
I create my own reality.
My life is blessed.
There is never enough time.
Why is everything so hard?
Life is full of magic!
The world is crumbling.
The world is rebirthing.
Why aren’t things working out better?
Im blessed.
Im surviving.

Again, you shift through various versions but there remains an overarching theme. And this theme, is what shapes your reality.

Begin to take notice what dominant thoughts are behind the wheel. The beautiful thing is you have choice. You can work with these thoughts. You can entrain to a different rhythm. There are tools that can help drive you to the destination you desire.

-Mindset affirmations
-Attitude of Gratitude
-Thought awareness and reset
-Heal the wounds
-Empowerment tools

At Sacred Ally, everything we do is centered around creating greater awareness of your life and soul trajectory. From our community events to our individual sacred sessions, we hold the container for growth.

We invite you to explore our website and see what calls to you. Link in bio.

We’ve got a few spots left for tonight’s Visionary Breathwork Ceremony if you are ready to get started now. Link in bio.

We love you. We’ve got you. It’s a wild ride out there. Find your center and ground it out. 🙏❤️🙌


Oracle Cards


Sound Healing