Step Into Radical Self Love
Today there's an abundance of attention placed on love, especially the love between yourself and others. Here at Sacred Ally, we're curious about the love that resides outside of your relationship to others-- the love that exists within each one of us.
Do you realize that you ARE love? That your life, and your whole being IS an expression of love?!
Tell us, what does the practice of self love look like for you?... Through movement? Sharing your truth with others? Time alone to just be?
Today we encourage you to dive deeper into your self love journey, to cultivate the practice of honoring your spirit, to nourish yourself and the love that IS you....
This can be as simple as shifting your perception when listening to music. Have you ever listened to love songs through the lens of self love?-- as song dedications from you, to you? Give it a try, notice how the songs messages begin to shift in beautiful and empowering ways and tell us your favorites.
Take a bigger step into radical self love and join us at our upcoming Spirit Awaken Empowerment Ceremony taking place on Sunday 2/20, to step deeper into love, reclaiming your spirit, and stepping forth with purpose. --- there are four spots left, register today!