Ignite Your Love

A Quest of Deeper Connection and Spiritual Growth with your Beloved

Hello, admirable seekers of growth and love!

We are Peter and Sarah Schaefgen, your companions on this beautiful journey of spiritual evolution and connection. Our hearts are deeply rooted in the enchanting Rocky Mountains of Missoula, Montana, where we co-founded Sacred Ally Empowerment Arts Center—a space where souls come together to dive deep into the realms of healing, self-discovery, and sacred ceremony.

Today, we are thrilled to invite you to our transformative event, Sacred Flame—an experience designed to stoke the sacred fire between beloveds. If you're on a healing and empowerment journey, exploring self-care, and seeking deeper meaning in life, this event is tailor-made for you!

Within our nurturing and loving space, you and your partner will embark on an adventure through passion, purpose, and polarity. We will guide you in nourishing deeper intimacy and a clearer understanding of one another.

As fellow life partners, we understand the joys and challenges that come with relationship dynamics. That's why we've carefully curated exercises and heart-opening dialogues to support you in forging an unbreakable bond and reigniting the spark that brought you together.

Picture a sweet and lighthearted experience, nestled in a small group setting committed to growth and transformation. Here at Sacred Ally, we believe that healing and spiritual exploration are most potent when shared in the presence of like-minded souls.

Whether you are new to the healing arts or already enjoy the benefits of massage and energy work, Our event is a celebration of the sacred space we've cultivated, where introspection thrives, relationships flourish, and hearts intertwine. Sacred Flame is a space where you can try new things and dive deep into the mysteries of love and connection in a safe and sacred space.

If you're ready to embrace a life-changing experience, for you and your relationship, join us for Sacred Flame. Let's walk this path of love and growth together, for it's in the togetherness that we find true transformation.

Come, ignite your love, and share this invitation with friends who are yearning for a deeper connection too.

With warmth, Peter and Sarah Schaefgen


Embrace Wholeness: Massage, Reiki, & Sound Healing


Magic of Ceremonial Cacao