Experience Ecstatic Dance

Do you keep hearing about ecstatic dance and wonder if it is for you?

Imagine a safe container where you can come as you are, free from judgment or expectations. Ecstatic dance is a vibrant and transformative movement practice that invites you to unleash your authentic self through rhythm and movement. It is a healing art that allows you to tap into your body's innate wisdom, providing an avenue for self-discovery, personal growth, and emotional release.

Movement has the power to heal, transform, and elevate our consciousness. As the old saying goes, "Motion is lotion for the soul." When we dance, we enter a state of flow where our bodies, minds, and spirits align. Through intentional movement, we release stagnant energy, allowing it to flow freely and harmoniously. Dance becomes a potent form of self-care, nurturing our physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

At Sacred Ally, we honor the following guidelines to keep the dance floor a safe and sacred space:

BE Present - No phones, No cameras on the dance floor.

BE Embodied - No talking on the dance floor.

BE Consensual - Listen for a Yes, respect a No.

BE Clear -No intoxicants on the dance floor.

BE Free - Dance how you want to. No judgement.

BE Here - No shoes on the dance floor.

Our studio prides itself on providing a safe container for exploration and growth. We believe in fostering a community where everyone feels welcomed and accepted. In our sacred space, you'll find a family of like-minded individuals, ready to journey alongside you. Together, we create an atmosphere that encourages vulnerability, self-expression, and connection. When we dance, we create a web of support that helps us break free from societal programming and step into our truest selves.

Are you ready to dance your way to healing and wellness?
Let's move and grow together!


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