Find your flow in your everyday life by attending this FALL Dance Therapy WORKSHOP 'WU TAO - The Dancing Way' with Elena, accredited licensed instructor from Australia, now in Missoula MT.
This Dance Therapy workshop brings you a choreographed gentle dance routine that will help you reduce stress, tension and blockages in your nerve system, in your body, and your mind. All movements will encourage you to work within your own abilities and adapt movements if you need to. Perfection of movement in healing dances is not what’s really important; letting go, embracing the music and the movements to find joy in the present moment is what matters most.
A Wu Tao HEALING Dance workshop is nothing like you’ve ever experienced: combining traditional Oriental healing with the practice of dance and meditation, this workshop will liberate you both physically and mentally. Each core dance is dedicated to a specific element of Mother Nature: AIR, WATER, WOOD, EARTH, FIRE.
In this Fall Workshop you will:
1. Learn to relax
2. Experience guided gentle meditation
3. Learn to connect your body, mind and soul to a season of FALL through dance movements
4. Learn WU TAO Dance, WISDOM Dance, AIR Dance and EARTH Dance
5. Use journaling as a tool to process your feelings allowing yourself to 'let go' of whatever you are holding on to.
6. Stretch your body with very gentle 'no effort' stretches.
What to bring:
- Water bottle
- Comfy clothes
- Blanket or shoulder cover
- Journal
- colored pencils
- no shoes required
The true healing power of Wu Tao Dance Therapy lies in its accessibility; anyone can practice it! Including YOU!
Through grace, energy and authentic self-expression, Wu Tao Dance Therapy will help restore balance and joy to your life.
Come and dance with Elena!