Shamanism is a term used to describe the ancient spiritual healing practices of indigenous cultures around the globe. The word shaman refers to the spiritual and ceremonial leaders among these cultures that are stuarts of the Earth. The core beliefs of these traditions are steeped in the goal of bridging harmony between nature and humanity. Our sentient Mother Earth is our teacher. She carries the answers, the medicine and the ways of walking in right relation with the planet, the plants, the animals and with one another.
At Sacred Ally we share shamanic practices that have been passed down through our own Celtic shamanic herritage, Native American mentors and indigenous relationships built through our united vision to serve humanity and our sacred mother Earth. All of these offerings have been built and blessed by relationships forged with the shared hope for healing and empowerment on this planet. Many of our ceremonies use plants, instruments and medicines in which proceeds go back to the tribes, organizations and mentors we have partnered with.
Shamanic practices include:
Journeying, which uses the rhythmic beat of a drum to enter higher states of consciousness for the retrieval powerful information.
Clearing blocks and outdated energetic cords from one’s body,
Accessing your spirit animal, guides, helpers
And tapping into the healing power of nature.
Shamanic Cacao Ceremony in the Andean Lineage of the 7 Rays.
“We give thanks to the land we live on and pay our respects to the indigenous Salish tribes that originally occupied this Valley. They called this land, “Nemissoolatakoo”, which we now know as Missoula. We give thanks to the Salish, Blackfoot and Lakota traditions that have influenced and inspired our way of life and upbringing on this land. With honor we carry our own Irish shamanic lineage and we pay our respects to the Shamans and Shamanic traditions around the world. We understand that while we share the ways practiced by our shamanic ancestors, teachers and guides, we do not claim the title of Shaman. We are humble stewards of this planet and all people.”
With great reverence,
Sarah & Peter
Step Into The Sacred
Power Animal Retrieval
Connecting with one's power animal is great medicine. You can build a relationship with your animal to harness their power and strength during chapters of your life. In this ceremony, we will journey to the underworld to retrieve your power animal and merge you with it's energy.
Facilitated by Sarah Schaefgen
Shamanic Reiki - Cord Clearing
The focus of this session is to utilize the healing power of Reiki to assist in clearing outdated energetic cords that may be causing discourse or inhibiting your vitality. Cord clearing brings intentional closure to a past relationship or experience that is still actively utilizing your energy either consciously or subconsciously. Please come to this session with a clear intention of whom you wish to bring energetic closure with.
Facilitated by Sarah & Peter Schaefgen, co-founders of Sacred Ally
Shamanic Journey
We believe that you are your own healer. All of the answers you seek lie within. Journeying is a shamanic experience used to retrieve information from your psyche and the Akashic field to help assist you in your healing and empowerment. In this session, the practitioner will drum to a specific rhythm that induces a trance state. You will then be guided into a visual journey of the under, middle or upper world. Within this journey, you will receive visions, answers, downloads and other relevant information based on your intentions for the session.
Facilitated by Sarah and Peter Schaefgen, co-founders of Sacred Ally.
Whole Healing
This sacred session blends the therapeutic application of massage and sound therapy with the power and wisdom of Shamanic Reiki. Whole Healing will clear the body of energetic stagnation and restore balance to your spirit. This session will leave you both physically and energetically relaxed and empowered.
Facilitated by Sarah Schaefgen
Shamanic Cacao Ceremony
Cacao is a sacred plant medicine that blooms open the heart. Used for thousands of years by the Incan, Mayan and Aztec cultures, cacao has been used for spiritual evolution. This beautiful cacao ceremony will include a cup of delicious ceremonial grade cacao, intention setting and a guided experiential journey with breathwork. This sacred experience will leave you lighter, liberated and more in your authentic heart.
Facilitated by Sarah Schaefgen
Hapé Ceremony
60min/ $110 - Individual Session
Hapé is an Amazonian snuff originating from the southern regions of Brazil, Columbia and Peru. This blend of powdered medicinal herbs is commonly used throughout various tribes including the Yawanawa, Huni Kuin (Kaxinawa), Mayoruna and Matses. Hapé elicits a feeling of alertness and elevation that surpasses most other natural plant-based effects. It is energetically clearing and helps to balance ones spirit. It is also therapeutic for headaches, sinus infections and lowering the blood pressure. The ingestion of Hapé can be used for physical, spiritual and energetic purposes.
This ceremony includes opening sacred space, smoke cleansing, intention setting, administration of Hapé and guided meditation. This purifying snuff is administered by the practitioner through the nose using an applicator called a tepi. As it is non psychotropic, you will be energized and ready to move on with your day right after your session.
It is said in indigenous culture that Hapé connects you to the spirit of the forest. If you have time after your session it is recommended to take a walk or spend a little time in nature.
Facilitated by Sarah and PeterSchaefgen, co-founders of Sacred Ally
Group Hapé Sessions
We also offer group Hapé Sessions at $50/per person up to 10 people. To schedule your group ceremony, please contact us via the link below.