Growing Up!
Growing up….what a journey hugh? Growing up as a person….growing up as a purpose……growing up in creation and responsibility. Its a total and utter trip! This year, 2019, Sacred Ally is growing up! From a one room, one vision, one practitioner ( me ) business start up, we are taking the leap of faith. In my 41 years on this planet I have come to know that the magic comes just outside of the comfort zone. The evolutions happen with the leaps of faith. The thinking bigger and then showing up! So 2019 is about showing and GROWING UP!
Feb 1st Sacred Ally, which is now a co-creation between my husband Peter Schaefgen and I, will be expanding into a larger space so that we can grow into our fullest potential. Our new Healing Vortex will have a community studio space for classes, workshops and events that both our community and Sacred Ally will facilitate. We have a beautiful reception area where we plan to offer healing tools and instruments for retail. And always, a practitioner studio where we will continue to offer high quality bodywork, energy medicine and one on one sound healing sessions.
Growing up is only possible because of your support. Thank you Missoula! And thank you to the crazy life journey that inspires people to reach out for healing allies. We bow to you!
Click on our social media links below to to follow our renovation journey of the new space! Exciting! Exciting!