What you seek is right outside of your comfort zone...
Yep…..we know it. This is why so many stay comfortable. And this is also why so many are hungry for more! Somewhere along the line we were told we were a product of chance, insignificant, and we better stay in line. That mold is crumbling. People are aching for the magic! People are flocking into healing centers, therapy offices, even remote shamanic medicine circles, all to find the power to evolve from this mundane story we have been dished up. We each have our own path. But the thing we all have in common is that we are here to create!! We are not here to sit still, stay in line, listen up and keep quiet. Quite the contrary, we are here to be bold, creative, dynamic and downright magical! The thing is, we have grown so custom to playing small. It is uncomfortable for us to acknowledge our potential badassery. We have a hard time even receiving compliments yet alone embodying the fact that we are down right miraculous and powerful creatures.
So here is the thing…..if you want to grow….evolve……heal…..self empower……it’s going to take some discomfort. It is going to mean believing in yourself. Taking bigger chances for the sake of your sacred calling. It will mean shedding…… a lot! Letting go of every story line that has kept you inhibited in your creative force. And just so you know, every time you are about to evolve in your power, it is preceded by a wave of fear, doubt and second guessing. This is a major indicator that you are about to do something big! That wave of , “oh gosh….what the f#*% am I doing,” is just your ego’s societal story editor making sure you are following the script. Well……Scripts are for people playing a part! You my friend are the creator! You are a celestial miracle with a birth right to thrive! So when you get to your edges, and it starts to feel uncomfortable or scary, that’s the green light baby! Break your mold! Expand your vision and allow yourself to fill it out. What you seek is right outside of your comfort zone!
And many humble blessings on your ride!