Renew You this Spring with Massage

The days are getting longer, our hearts are getting lighter, and the weather is getting warmer. All the signs of spring are finally here in Missoula. It is a great time to renew, reset and treat yourself.

During this time, we make several changes to our lifestyle to help us make the transition from winter to spring. In eastern modalities, the spring season is linked with the wood element and correlates to the liver.

Keep Reading for healthful tips to support wellness this Spring:

1.Look after your Liver- Did you know your liver has over 300 functions? So, it’s very important to give yourself the gift of health by taking a break from habits that harm the liver, such as eating junk foods, processed foods, drinking alcohol, stress and more to keep your liver in the best shape possible.
2.Eating for Spring- Green is the color of spring. Eating fresh leafy greens, asparagus, parsley, & cilantro can improve the liver’s overall function and can help improve the movement of Qi.
3.Spring clean (detox)- In addition to eating healthful foods, there are many natural herbs such as milk thistle, dandelion, turmeric & burdock to aide and support liver function and regulate the flow of energy for better wellbeing. (Remember- always ask your primary care physician before adding herbal supplements.)
4.Movement & Massage for Spring- Any form of exercise can improve the flow of blood to all parts of the body and can help to unwind some of those physical and energetic knots. You can opt for yoga, jogging, walking, hiking, weights or cycling to stay fit during the spring season. Massage also supports liver by promoting circulation, keeping your body more fluid and flexible, reduces stress and boosts the immunity.




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