The Spiritual Path of Network Marketing
The meaning of “Spiritual” is : relating to or affecting the human spirit. It has evolved from religious roots to embody a modern day path to unite with our deepest core values and a desire to seek our individual sacred calling. I have considered myself “spiritual” since the day my mother birthed me into this world. I’ve practiced yoga, meditation, I’ve travelled through the holy lands of India, I’ve sat in ceremony, consumed plant medicines and devoted my life in service to humanity through the healing arts. My point is, my entire life has been within the realm of “spirit”.
So here I am, 41 years on the planet, and what do you know, I found the most potent spiritual path thus far and in the most surprising of places. Before I dive into how Network Marketing has transformed my spiritual life, I need to first get something out of the way.
Like all things on this Earthly material plane, there are good things and bad things. In the Network Marketing arena, there have been less than integrous companies that used aggressive sales tactics and weak compensation models. These companies lacked soul, eventually failed and took their trusted Affiliates down with them. Yeah…..that sucks. But here is the thing. We have all had a horrible restaurant experience before. But did we leave and proceed to call ALL restaurants BAD? No…..of course not. We know better than to judge an entire classification based on one or two bad apples. It is absolutely no different with Network Marketing. What I have noticed in my life time is that humans are resistant to change. We have been heavily steeped in the “dollars for hours” model that is frankly crumbling right under us and thrusting the American people into poverty, stress and anxiety. Now , here comes this alternative Network Marketing model. This model offers you your power back. It offers you to be the CEO of your own business and life. It offers you all of the flexibility and possibility you have ever dreamed of. It allows you to get behind something you believe in and unlike anything else, you get to decide how much money you want to make! You’d think we would be flocking to it like a moth to a flame. But nooooo……instead, we are skeptical, judge mental, scared and slow to recognize the bus is leaving the station people!
So……I ask, if you are one of these people with either a personal experience with a failed Network Marketing company or have adopted someone else’s stance on this business model, see if you can set that aside for a moment and be open to the possibility that not everyone is having the experience you did. In fact, read ahead to learn how this has been the most incredible spiritual journey of my life!
Rewind one year ago. I am a healer. I am constantly researching, studying and learning about tools to help YOU feel better. Society is at a climactic level of stress and dissatisfaction as systems are failing us both politically, financially and physically. Our literal health is reflecting the downfall of our societal structure. My passion is in providing you healing pathways to find ease in all of this madness. So when I started learning about CBD oil, all of my receptors perked up! Everything I was hearing about this incredible plant compound was magic in a bottle. I felt like CBD was offering everything I was trying to accomplish in my practice: decrease in anxiety, decrease in pain, increase in mood, personal power, balance and wellbeing. Hello!!! I wanted to know more! I proceeded to spend months down the CBD wormhole learning and studying about this new discovery. Phytocannabinoids and our Endogenous Endocannabinoid system. I was hooked on fascination! In the 20 years as a body worker, this was the very first time I felt called to bring a supplement on board for my clients. After many long nights of research, comparisons and meditating on the options, I found the magical elixir I was searching for. And, it turns out, it was offered through a Network Marketing Company. Well, although i had heard people’s soap box rants about Network marketing horror stories, I had also experienced respected friends in my life reach levels of success and happiness within this business model. Thank goddess for my open mind and my ability to be curious. The oil was by far the best and if joining a Network Marketing company was the step to get my hands on it, well sign me up!!!! Sooooo, thus begun my journey.
For $39.99 I bought myself a business. Yes, thats right, there was no hidden agenda, no fine print, for two $20 bills, I had the keys to the kingdom. At first I didn’t really grasp what I had at my fingertips. I purchased a package of oil, put it on my shelf and sold out in the first 2 weeks. I pretty much just repeated this over and over for the first 6 months. No interest in building the business. I just wanted CBD oil in everyones hands!! If you know me, I am a total passionate geek on this subject. I truly believe that CBD oil has a part in the evolution of our human species at this time! It’s probably the only thing I can think of that I believe every human body on this planet could benefit from right now.
In the 6 months I was on the oil, my digestion went from sluggish to clockwork, my chronic debilitating headaches completely subsided, my sleep became deep and rejuvenating and my peri menopausal hormones became balanced and steady. My husbands inflammation subsided to a level that he no longer complained of daily aches and pains. My clients….my clients I can go on and on about. I’ve now shared the oil with dozens of people all who have had their own unique healing experiences with this potent plant ally.
6 months in, I decide to go to the Prime My Body International Convention. I wanted to dive deeper into the knowledge and the company. I was nervous, I’m not one for big crowds or loud events. I prepared myself with ear plugs, melatonin, lots of hemp oil and homeopathic remedies to keep my system calm. My husband and I hopped a flight, checked in and found ourselves sitting in a large conference room with hundreds of Prime My Body affiliates. Yes, there was music playing and people were actually dancing, laughing and smiling at their tables. “Here we go!”, I thought.
What proceeded over the course of the next two days, forever changed my life. Through a series of speakers, presentations, mostly from the mouths of Prime My Body’s founders, the most grounded, influential, sacred messages were delivered to our hearts. The common thread was of love, service and learning to get out of our own way so that we can manifest our dreams in this lifetime. Dreams are not made through punching a clock, building someone else’s vision, slaving away as a worker. The messages we were receiving were about taking our power back!! Doing things a different way! Being a part of a new paradigm where we work for ourselves…..together…..lifting each other up………creating our own unique way of showing up in our business. Get this……working from the Sacred Feminine Operating System. What the heck did that mean? It means we don’t have to be aggressive, annoying and overworked to achieve a strong business. We can do it from a place of self care, love, attraction, and authentic interpersonal relationship. We were encouraged to relax, see the larger over arcing vision of creating a strong business. And through all of this, there was a strong presence of “spirit”…….of sacred meaning in our lives. Those two days were the farthest thing from the high energy, product driven convention I was expecting. Yes, we received many downloads on the science behind our incredible Hemp Oil and beautiful systems to help us grow our businesses, but what I left with, was a deep sense that I had found my people! The heart and Integrity of this Network Marketing company spoke to my soul! And the hundreds of affiliates in that room were healers, practitioners, farmers, mothers and the stewards of the planet.
I left that weekend with a full blown desire to build my Prime My Body business to support my life! And that, is where the work began. Anyone who knows anything about a spiritual path knows It’s peaks and valleys and internal ever changing landscapes. With the eloquent and gentle leadership of my mentors, I was supported to claim my biggest vision for my life. I was guided to completely dismantle my “lack mentality” I had developed through growing up poor. I was inspired to develop a healthy “story” around money and my ability to receive and create it. Lots of it!! I have developed a tribe of friends who all share a desire to help people heal and who are also ready to thrive financially. I knew this through my own experience thus far but Prime My Body helped me realize that financial stress keeps us ill. The anxiety and stress that comes with financial despair… pay check to paycheck……it paralyzes are ability to really thrive and shine in the ways we are meant to. I felt this! I know my purpose on this planet! I am a light! But I wont lie that my light gets dim when I am stressing how to financially support myself. Network Marketing is an opportunity beyond a job. Heck….the “job” was created during the industrial revolution to pump out “workers”. Screw that! I want my power and possibility back.
Beyond financial confidence, Network marketing has held up the mirror to all of my limitations and blocks. It hasn’t been pretty. I have had to get real and face my biggest fears around being seen, using my voice, being my authentic self in the face of all those Network Marketing skeptics who are doing a diss-service to this industry. I have matured and liberated in so many ways over the past year and it was not on my yoga mat or through hours of meditation. It was through a real, practical, tangible model that allowed me to truly see myself and with the support of a tribe, rise, heal, liberate and recalibrate my story to the one I desire and deserve! And this whole spiritual experience comes with a side of unlimited financial potential. Hell Yes!!!
Soooo…….the truth is, times are changing. They need to change. We know it. The old ways are dying. The new ways are already being laid. Statistics prove that Network Marketing is the model of the future. It is a more integrous and spacious way in which to connect people to the the products they desire and to provide business opportunities for absolutely anyone who wishes to run their own show. It puts the money in the hands of the people who work for it and out of the big chain stores who hold the poverty line. It connects people to the highest quality products through education, stories and real authentic connection. And….yes…..there will always be those bad apples……like all things but my story is not about them. My story is about Prime My body and the dozens of incredible Network Marketing Models that are paving the new way! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!